Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Homemade Volcanos

Since we are studying the letter v this week, I sent home some instructions in case the family wanted to try to make a volcano.

Here is a picture of Celia’s volcano.

Here is a video of Madison’s volcano.

Fun Rhyming Story - Rhyming Dust Bunnies

Here is a fun rhyming story.  Listen to it the first time for fun.  Listen to it a second time and see if you can find the rhyming word.  Then watch Mrs. Harty’s video to talk about the rhyming words in the story.

Please watch Mrs. Harty’s video about the rhyming words in the story.

Rhyme Video

Listen carefully to these words!  Do you hear how the 2 words sound the same at the end? 
That’s rhyme!  Can you name 2 words that rhyme?

Find the Easter Bunny & Counting Candy video

I hope you enjoy this egg hunt!  Can you count the candy in the eggs?  I hope you find the Easter Bunny!  Good Luck!!  

Basketball Time

Savannah’s family paint her a mini basketball court in their garage.  Savannah is loving it!!!
Nice shot Savannah!!! Basketball is my favorite sport!

Sesame Street Letter V Video

I hope you enjoy this Sesame Street video about the letter V.  

Benjamin’s Box Day 7

Monday, March 30, 2020

Writing Letter V with Mrs. Harty

Are you ready to write the letter V?

Have Fun Teaching Video for Letter Vv

Sing-a-Long and write the letter Vv with the video.

Benjamin’s Box Day 6

10 Bunnies Counting Song 1 to 10

Are you ready to have fun counting to 10?  Get ready to hop, run, walk, and skip!!
Make sure you have some room.

Celia and the Bee

Celia and Will went for a ride on their Big Wheels and found a dead bee.  They had such an interesting time looking closely at the bee.  How cool!!

Ice Painting

Tekla had some messy fun “ice painting” with her brothers AJ and Donato.  Their mom froze water after she added food coloring.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Olivia had the best time completing the nature scavenger hunt.  Here are the pictures they took along the along the hunt.  Way to go Olivia!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Mrs . Harty Introduces Letter Vv

This week we will be learning about letter Vv.  I will be teaching you the v sound, our v song, and the hand movement.

My “v” Book

I hope you enjoy this story about Little v.  Listen carefully and then see how many v words you can name.

Benjamin’s Box Day 5

Review of Letter Aa - Vv

Please review the letters with me!! (My turn, your turn, our turn)

V is for Volcano!!

You are going to make a volcano using a V.  Here are some real volcanoes so you can see what they look like.  Sometimes volcanos erupt and have hot lava coming out.

Sometimes volcanos have smoke coming out.

Here are a couple of examples.  You can use any art supplies you have at home.  Be creative!!!

Please send me a picture of your volcano!!!!

Counting to 10 Easter Video

Can you count 10 Easter Eggs, 10 bunnies, 10 chocolate treats, and 10 chicks?
I bet you can!
Have fun and sing along!!!

ABCmouse - Free Online Learning Program

Olivia tested it out and she LOVES it!

ABCmouse is providing free at-home access while school is closed.

How to get your free account:
1.  Go to www.ABCmouse.com/redeem
2.  Enter this School Code:  SCHOOL7353
3.  Create an account using your personal email address and a password of your choice.

Our Underwear Designs

The children did a great job designing their own underwear!

Nathan’s sister decided to join the fun too!

Tic Tac Toe

I had been teaching the children to play Tic Tac Toe before Spring Break.  I saw this and thought they might enjoy it.  This is a great family activity.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Review Letters Aa - Uu

Practice the letters, sounds, and hand movements for letters Aa - Uu.
Next Week we will add letter Vv.

Benjamin’s Box Day 4

Polar Bear’s Underwear

Here is another fun book about underwear!!!

Could you figure out whose underwear each pair belonged to before Miss Jenny turned the page?

Where was Polar Bear’s underwear?

If you designed a pair of underwear for yourself, what would they look like?

5 Senses

Here is a video that is a review of our 5 senses.

Here are a couple of 5 senses songs.  Can you sing along?

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Homemade Puzzles

I know how much my class enjoyed completing puzzle during center time.  If you don’t have any puzzles at home, I thought this is a great idea!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Tekla and Patterns

Tekla watch the Go Noodle video on the blog called Banana Banana Meatball and then made some patterns of her own.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Savannah’s Pictures

I am glad to see Savannah working hard at home!

She was also able to visit the zoo during Spring Break.

Nathan Working at Home

I am glad to see Nathan is working hard.

Letter U Song - Have Fun Teaching

I would discuss with the students that the letter Uu is a vowel and that is had 2 sounds.  It can be at the beginning of the word but a lot of times it will be inside the word.  This video sing both of the sounds for the letter Uu.

At Home Ideas

The children can create and explore with materials you have around the house. Here are a few pictures to give you some ideas.

Extra Snow Day Ideas

  Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice:  Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...