Saturday, April 30, 2022

Focus Wall - Lesson 27 - What Can You Do?

The Challenge words this week are shorter and shortest.



Our Dot Art

 Our reading story this week was The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.  The children were asked to choose a dot from many sizes and colors and create a picture with it.  I am always amazed at their creativity and imagination!  Here are their dot pictures:

Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Great Cookie Election

       In social studies class, we began talking about how the United States of America became a country.  We learned about The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and being a good citizen.  We discussed that one way to be a good citizen is to exercise your right to vote.  So, we started the Great Cookie Election.  

    The first day, we started by watching commercials about Oreo and chocolate chip cookies.  Then we sampled each one.  

Last, they filled out The Great Debate worksheet about which was was their favorite cookie and why.  Here are a few of them:

On the second day, the children filled out their voter registration cards.

Then, they used the information from their Great Debate worksheets to make a campaign poster for their favorite cookie.

The last day was voting day!!!

At the Check-In station they showed their voter ID for me to check and then they signed in.

Once they were checked in they were given a ballot.  They had to circle their favorite cookie and put it in the ballot box.  

As they left, they were given a I voted today! sticker.

And the results are in……Oreo won!!

Oreo 11 votes.
Chocolate chip Cookies 3

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Adding the endings -ed and -ing to the base word

     Our spelling words this week include the endings -ed and -ing.  So, we have been practice how to decide when to double the consonant before adding the endings.  Here is how we decide. We are looking at the 1-1-1 Rule.  1 - Is it a 1 syllable word? 1 - Does it have only 1 vowel?  1 - Is there only 1 consonant after the vowel?  If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then you double the consonant before adding - ed or -ing.  We also practiced words that end with e.  You need to drop the e before adding -ed or - ing.  

    The children practice on their dry erase boards and then 1 person wrote his/her answer and we would discuss it.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Focus Wall - Lesson 26 - The Dot

 The challenge words are writing and grabbed.

Using Our Newline Board

We have been using are Newline Board for many subjects.  

The children like being involved.


The children were trying to cut shapes into equal parts.

This one was tricky!! Cutting a circle into 3 equal parts.


The children were using proofreading marks with contractions.

Extra Snow Day Ideas

  Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice:  Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...