Saturday, May 30, 2020

Frozen Treasures

Here is an idea for some ice fun.
Put some “treasures” in a container of water and freeze.
The container could be any size even ice cube trays.
Food coloring is optional.
Then the children can use warm water and salt to melt the ice and retrieve the treasures.
Here are some pictures to help with ideas.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Scissor Fun

Here is a fun and creative way to work with scissors.
They can use toilet paper and or paper towel rolls.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Letter and/or Letter Sound Recognition Activity

You or your child can write the alphabet on the fence with chalk.  
You call out a letter or say a letter sound and the child would spray the letter with water.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Parents, I thought this might interest you.
I took a picture of the email I received.
Go to

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Religion - I am Growing - Thursday

Listen to the song “Growing Up” part 2.

Can you do any of these things by yourself?
Listen to this story and see.

Language Arts- Letter Sounds and Blending - Thursday

These are Jack Hartmann songs that practice blending CVC words.
(CVC means consonant vowel consonant)
They will name the letters, say the sounds, and say the word.

Short a

Short I

Short e

Short o

Short u

Summer Time Counting - Thursday

Count along with the song “In the Big Blue Sea”.

Mrs. Harty wants to talk to you about counting and coloring in a row.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Bubble Fun

Celia had fun with the bubbles.  
She used the pipe cleaner to make her own wand.  
I love that it is shaped like a heart!❤️

Religion - I am Growing - Wednesday

Listen to the song “Growing Up”.

You are growing!!
Not only are you getting tall but you have learned so much this year.
You are able to do so many things for yourself.
This to Mrs. Harty read the Kelly story called “Kelly is Growing”.

Language Arts - The Alphabet -Letters and Sounds - Wednesday

Sing along and review the letters and their sounds.

Practice with Mrs. Harty.
 We are going to write the letter for the first sound in the word.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Going to Mass - Tuesday

When you go to Mass, God wants you to be a part of it.  
That means he want you to pray, sing, and listen during Mass.
Think about when you have been to church with your family or your church buddy.
Did you pray, sing, and listen?
The next time you go to Mass I know you can!

Listen to Mrs. Harty read the book Celebrating Mass.

Language Arts - The Alphabet - Tuesday

Can you name the letter and say the sound?  
Try it!

Can you says what thing on each page starts with the letter before she tells you?
I think you can!!

Watch this video and see if you can match the picture to the letter for its beginning sound.

Summer Safety - Tuesday

Do you know the safety rules for the swimming pool and for riding in a boat?
Have a family member read you the magazine or listen to it online.
On the last page you will find the things that start with s.

IXL Certificate

Keep up the good work!

More Bubble Art

Olivia also experimented with making bubble.
Great job Olivia!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Religion - I Can Pray

Mrs. Harty reads Good Night, God.

Mrs. Harty reads Good Morning, God.

This song is about talking to the Lord our God in prayer.

Language Arts - The Alphabet - Monday

Sing along with the alphabet song.

How would you feel if the letters in the alphabet decided to change places?
Let’s see what happens. 

Summer Safety - Monday

Splish Splash Summer is the last My Big World issue for this year.
This issue discusses summer safety.
Please login to this issue and watch the video High Five for Summer Safety and get moving with the Dance Break video called Doggie Paddle.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Bubble Art

Madison and her sister Adelyn are using colored bubbles to create bubble art!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Religion - I Can Pray

Sing the song “I Say, Thank You”.

Listen to this story My Very First Prayers and then you will make your own prayer book.

The Alphabet - Letters and Sounds

This video wants you to stand up while you review the letters and their sounds.

This book is called The Letters are Lost.  
The block letters are missing from the box.  
They are with or near something that begins with each letter.
Can you guess where they are?
Let's find out!

Bubble Art

Have fun With Peppa Pig and George as they play with bubbles!

I would love for the children to have fun exploring with bubble art!
They can use the rest of the bubbles from the packet or you can make some.
I have seen where people color their bubbles with food coloring or Kool-Aid.
Here are some pictures with some ideas.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Religion - I Can Pray

When we pray we are talking to God.  Sometimes, we say prayers that we have been taught such as the Our Father or the blessing before meals.  Other times we are talking to God like we are talking to a parent or a friend.  God is always listening to our prayers.

Sing along with “The Counting Prayer”.

Listen to Mrs. Harty read a Kelly Martin story called Kelly’s Prayer.

Now see if you can answer questions about the story.

Beginning Sounds

You are going to practice saying the letters, their sounds, and a word that begins with each letter.
Get ready to move!

Practice finding the letter for the beginning sounds with Mrs. Harty.

Math - Identifying More

Watch this video that shows two groups and talks about which has more and which has less.

Practice finding which side has more with Mrs. Harty.

I love Sesame Street!  The monsters are talking about more and less with a glass of milk.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Religion - I Can Listen

This song reminds us to be thankful to God for our ears, eyes, and hands.

Listen carefully and see if you can identify these sounds?
Some maybe tricky.

You are going to have to listen to know what action to perform and when to freeze.
Make sure you have room to move and have fun.

Beginning Sound

Listen to Mrs. Harty read the book Potluck.
Be careful it might make you hungry!

If you were going to a potluck meal and had to bring something that starts with the first letter in your name, what would you bring?  
If I had to bring something that started with h,  I would bring hamburgers.  Yum!

Can you help Mrs. Harty match the food to the letter at the beginning of its name?


Please help them count the bubbles as they pop them.

Please login to the “Pop Goes the Bubble” issue of the My Big World Magazine.
I would like you to play the Alphabet Bubble Pop Game.
The wand will name a letter and you will pop the bubble with that letter on it.
Have fun!

Exploring With Bubbles

Madison had fun exploring with bubbles and different types of wands.

I Can Listen - Tuesday

God gave us the gift of ears.
Use your ears today to guess which animal is making the sound, listen to a story, and follow the directions for the Toody-Ta dance.

Can you guess which animal is making the sound before they show you?

Listen to this story about Buddy.
What happens when Buddy doesn’t use his ears and listen like he should?

Can you listen and follow these directions to dance the Toody-Ta?

The Alphabet - Beginning Sounds Tuesday

Get up and get ready.
These letters want you to move like them.

Get your blue letter tiles ready so you can play this beginning sounds game with Mrs. Harty.
Make sure you spread them out so you can see them all.

Math and Science - Bubbles - Tuesday

 Can you count the bubbles too?

Today I would like the children to hear the story in the My Big World Magazine.
A family member can read to them from the magazine in their packet or they can login to the website and have it read to them online.  The “Pop Goes the Bubble” story teaches them about soap bubbles.

On the last page, the children are asked to trace the bubbles. 
 I would also like them to count the bubbles by writing one number inside each one as they count.
They can do this on the online version too.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Science - Bubbles

The children will login to the My Big World Magazine online.
Go to the May/June issue Pop Goes the Bubble.
I would like them to watch the video “Let’s Blow Bubbles”.

I hope they can have some fun experimenting with bubbles.
The parents can read the science section:  Bubble Bin.
They can use some of the bubbles I gave them with the packet but I would like them to save some of them for Friday.  According to the video, you can make your own bubbles with 1/2 cup of dish soap and 4 cups of water.  Besides using the bubble wand that came with the bubbles, let them try other things.  Use one of the pipe cleaners from the packet and make their own wand. Maybe they can even form it a different shape.  How about a spatula from them kitchen the has open slits.  
Try a plastic potter with the bottom cut off.  HAVE FUN!!!
I would love to see pictures.

The Alphabet

Are you ready to do some dancing?
You are going to practice sings the ABC’s while dancing.

A book I love about the alphabet is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

Now I would like you to practice putting the capital letters in ABC order on you paper.

I Can Listen

Listening carefully to others shows them that we love them and that what they have to say is important.

Listening to what is happening around us keeps us safe.

Listening allows us to enjoy God’s creations such as birds chirping, cats purring, and people laughing.

Listen to A Kelly Martin story called “Musical Chairs”.

Can you answer questions about the story?

Here is a fun listening game for you to play.
Have you ever played Simon Says?
You have to listen carefully to make sure she says “Simon Says” before you perform the action.
Good Luck!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Father’s Day - Friday

Father’s Day is not until June 21st but our daddies are so important!

Listen to this story and think about all the wonderful things your daddy does for you.

Here is another daddy story.
Do you do any of these things with your daddy?

Make sure you tell your daddy how much you love him with a big hug and kiss!


Listen carefully.
Do you hear the rhyming words?

Can you help Rocco the Rhino Rhyme?

Practice rhyming with Mrs. Harty.

Math - Measurement

Measuring with Mrs. Harty

The children will complete the Let’s Measure Game on
The children can get there by touching the Starfall logo on the right side of the blog.
They will have to login with the information I emailed you when school first closed.
Email me if you need more information.

Here are some pictures to help you.  These are from the app.  
They may look a little different if you log in through
I circled where you need to go.

Here is the section . There are 4 different measuring activities.

Field Trip to the Zoo

Since this is our last day of z week, I thought you might have fun on a field trip to the zoo.

Planting seeds

Tekla had help from her brother when she planted her seeds. 
I hope she sends me pictures to show me how they grow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Religion - Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is on Sunday.
Our mothers are so special.  They love us so much.
They do so many things for us to keep us safe, healthy, and happy.

Think about your mom while you look at this book called Why I Love My Mummy.

Why do you love your mommy?
Be sure to tell her!

Are you trying to decide what to do for your mother for Mother’s Day?
This book What Not to give Your Mother for Mother’s Day maybe able to help you.

Moms do love hugs, kisses, and having you tell them that you love them!

Beginning Sounds

Review letters Aa - Zz with Mrs. Harty

Get ready to do the “Animal Alphabet Move and Grove” with Jack Hartmann.
Have fun!!

Practice identifying beginning sounds with Mrs. Harty.

Science - Plant Parts

Sing with Dr. Jean about the parts of a plant.  
There is a drawing of a person to show you the motions for the song.
Be careful because she will sing faster and faster.
Have fun!

Login to the My Big World Magazine.
Go to the game for the Flower Power issue.
 Play the game Build a Plant.

Now create your own plant including the roots, stem, leaves, and flower.
Use whatever you have around the house.
Here is a picture with some ideas.

Letter Z

The letter z song from ABC Mouse.

Review the letter z with Jack Hartmann,

I hope you enjoy this book Dear Zoo!
The character in this story wrote the zoo asking for a pet.
What kind of animal will the zoo send?

Science - Plant Needs

Plant Needs Song
Can you be a copycat and sing along?

As you watch this, think about why Fran’s plant will not grow.
What did she do wrong?  Did she give it the right things?

Did her plant grow by the end of the story?
What did it get that it needed?

Here is our pumpkin plant at school.

What happened?
Did it get everything it needed? No! ☹️
What did it not get?
Here is a hint.💧

Now for the really fun part!  Go plant your seeds.  I put I packet of seeds in your packet.  Check with your parents for a good place to plant them.  You will need to make sure they have the main four things they need to grow.  Soil, water, air, and sunlight.  Once you plant them you will also have to have patience!! You will have to wait a while before you will see them start to grow.
Good luck! I hope you have a green thumb.  Mrs. Harty doesn’t!☹️

Religion - I Can Wait - The Butterfly

Please watch this video about the life cycle of the butterfly.

In this book she mentions that once the caterpillar forms the chrysalis it is about 2 weeks before the butterfly can start to emerge. (come out)  We have been talking about waiting.  Do you think this is a long time to wait?  Is it hard for you to wait 2 weeks for something?  

You are going to color the butterfly from your religion series on pages 71 and 72.
Before you do, please watch this video of Mrs. Harty talking about the wings of the butterfly.

Extra Snow Day Ideas

  Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice:  Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...