I did not get many pictures from the Christmas party today but here are a few. The children ate pizza and cupcakes, made a Santa craft, and played games.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Subject / Verb Agreement Review
This week, the children have been completing Christmas related activities to review the skills we have been working on recently. Today, the children completed a write the room activity. They love it! The have their paper on a clipboard. They go around the room, find the cards, and write the answers in the corresponding boxes. This activity asked them to choose the correct form of the verb to agree with the subject.
Reindeer Report
Our reading series wanted the children to work on writing a report last week about an animal. I decided to wait until this week and have them write a report on reindeer. The children were given a reindeer fact sheet to fill out. They had to find where they live, what they eat, and 1 fun fact. We used the Epic! App. I assigned the children two videos to watch and 2 books read aloud. They were to find the information to fill out the sheet. Then they used that information to write a rough draft. The next day they wrote the final draft. Lastly, they completed a paper reindeer craft. Here are pictures of the final reports.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Monday, December 6, 2021
Extra Snow Day Ideas
Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice: Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...

This week, the children have been completing Christmas related activities to review the skills we have been working on recently. Today, the...