The children practiced telling time to the hour and half hour today. I placed clocks around the room and they had to write the time for each clock. They like being able to move around the room and use a clipboard.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Monday, March 28, 2022
P.E. - Sinking Ships
Each purple mat is a ship. The sailors are trying to sink each other’s ship by knocking down all the cones and bowling pins with balls. They are only allowed to step one foot off the ship. Each ship has a lifeboat (scooter) that goes out a brings ball back to the ship.
Chalkboard Math
I found out how much the children like to write on the chalkboard. So today, everyone got a chance to solve a 2 digit subtraction equation on the board. (Sorry I only took 1 picture.)
Recess Blocks
Last year Mr. Eric and Mr. James made blocks for the children to play with outside at recess. I pulled them out today. I also have some small animals and other characters to add to them. Here are a couple of the creations.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Economics Review
I made up a review for the economics test on Kahoot! The children really enjoy reviewing this way. They have to login and answer the questions with their iPads.
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Math Centers
The children were excited today to finally work with some math games!
You can look at their Seesaw account to see more of what they are doing.
They take pictures and add them to their journals.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Science - Sound
Today we discussing how to make sound. We talked about using force to cause vibrations which creates sound. We experiments with rubber bands. They could see the vibrations and hear the sound. They changed the amount of force used and looked for differences.
Reading Class
The children enjoyed working with a partner to complete this paper during reading class today. They were discussing whether somethings that happened in the story could happen in real life. They had to explain why or why not. I love to walk around and listen to their conversations!
Science - Magnets
During our science chapter on force, we have been experimenting with magnets. We have talked about and experimented with he concepts of attract and repel. It is an interesting feeling when to try to push the same poles together and they repel or push away!
Extra Snow Day Ideas
Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice: Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...

This week, the children have been completing Christmas related activities to review the skills we have been working on recently. Today, the...