Today we practice counting on with a number line. First, we looked at the first addend and make 1 big jump to that number. Then, we looked at the 2nd addend and jumped that many small jumps. Where we stopped was the sum.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
P.E. - More Parachute pictures
Ms. Angotti took some pictures of the children day under the parachute.
Monday, August 29, 2022
Math - Related Addition Facts
Today, I was explaining related addition facts during math class. The two related addition facts have the same addends, but they switch places. I told them each addend wants a chance to be 1st.
For example, 2 + 5 = 7 and 5 + 2 = 7 are related addition facts. The addends 2 and 5 changed places in the equation. I was having the children use cubes, so that they had a visual and could flip the cubes over to help them write the equations.
Here are a few pictures of what I mean.
P.E. - Parachute
The children played games again today with the parachute in P.E. When I went to pick them up, they were hiding underneath it in what they called the mushroom. They were so quiet!!
***Sorry, I think my finger got in the way. :(
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
P.E. - Parachute
The children LOVED playing with the parachute today! They had to work together to pop the frogs out.
Math - Addition
In math class the children have been working on writing addition equations.
I like for them to use as many different manipulates as possible to practice.
First, they practice with small hands.
They would chose two hands and write an addition equation for the number of fingers on each hand.
Next, they practiced with dominoes. Each side of the domino would be an addend.
Math is fun!
P.E. - Crossing the River
The children had to work together to cross the river. The children started at the in bound line and were trying to reach half court. They had to place out a stepping stone (small rubber mat) and step onto it. They would each have to move up one stone. Then, they would have to pass the stone from the back up to the front to keep going. If they stepped off the stone, they had to start over. They had to learn not to put it out too far. It took a little practice but all the groups were successful. Unfortunately, I did not get enough pictures but here is what I did take. (I hope this makes sense.)
This week in grammar we have been discussing nouns. I put pictures up on the screen. The children took turns circling a noun and telling everyone whether it was a person, place, animal, or thing.
Extra Snow Day Ideas
Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice: Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...

This week, the children have been completing Christmas related activities to review the skills we have been working on recently. Today, the...