Saturday, September 24, 2022

Lesson 6 Focus Wall - Jack and the Wolf

 The children will now have 8 spelling words.  

The 2 challenge words are add and pads.


 At Saint Ann we have a new program called Amira.  This is an interactive reading assessment tool.  The children will read to her and she will track their progress.  They will read with her several times a week.

P.E. - Soccer Skills Practice Stations

 Here are a few pictures.

Kick the ball and knock down the pins.

Kick the ball and know the ball off the cone.

Dribble around the cones.

Kick the ball into the hoopla hoop.

Score a goal

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Math - Bar Models

 Today we practice using bar models to find the missing addends.  I have told them they have to be math detectives and can only use the given clues.  

For example:  I gave them the problem 5+?=7.  They used the bar model and counter to solve the addend mystery.

Then 4 + ? = 5.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Focus Wall - Lesson 5 - Gus Takes the Train


Science Test Review

 The children reviewed for the science test in a game type format.  I have light up buttons.  I asked a question and they had to punch their button.  Whichever color lit up, told us who was supposed to answer the question.  

Art Class - Tambourines

 The children made tambourines in art class with Ms. Mikayla.


 We completed a couple of different activities when discussing verbs.

First, I played the Dr. Jean song “Verbs”.  In the song she says:  verbs, verbs, action words.  Things that you can do.  

The children made a big circle and acted out the word if it was an action.  They acted out the words such as walk, jog, swim, hop, etc.  They had to be still when she said words such as dog or tree.  The pictures are not very good.


     We also played charades.   I showed one child a picture of an action.  That child went to the middle and acted it out.  The rest of the class guessed the action.  Here are a few examples.  Can you guess the action?






 I am sorry I have not posted lately.  Between getting ready for my daughter’s wedding and catching up after the wedding I am behind.  

Extra Snow Day Ideas

  Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice:  Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...