Thursday, January 18, 2024
Extra Snow Day Ideas
Snow Days - online work information
While we are out for several snow days, the children have some online assignments to complete.
* IXL assignments in math and language arts. They need to complete the starred assignments. It may also say teacher recommendations depending on which device you are using. The language arts assignments are the usual ones for the week. They will be having a math test soon, so these are the skills on the test.
* Boddle - I sent a message on ClassDojo with website information, username, and passwords. Boddle is another free math website that we use in the classroom.
* Reading - The children need to read or listen to the story The Big Trip. I made an assignment on ThinkCentral where they can read it or use the speaker button and listen to it while it tracks the words. I also added a link on ClassDojo where they can watch a YouTube video of it. They still have 1 RQ assignment as usual.
*Phonics & Spelling - The new spelling list includes long e words that are spelled 3 ways: e, ee, and ea. Here are a few videos they can watch about the ee and ea vowel teams.
Don’t forget to have them practice with the free website They can play free games and practice spelling test.
They can also practice the words to know.
If you need help look at this old post for step by step directions.
The children can also work on the Teach your Monster to Read website. I sent information to everyone on ClassDojo about this website. They will work at their own pace. They like this website because it it more game like.
Extra Snow Day Ideas
Make fake snow: Make bouncing bubbles: Spelling word practice: Write words in/on/with Shaving cream on plate, tray, or table Rice in cont...

This week, the children have been completing Christmas related activities to review the skills we have been working on recently. Today, the...